Saturday, March 13, 2010

#7 Georgia Tech vs. #11 NC State

Third time around for these two teams, and it's a good thing it's Atlanta and Raleigh because I would have had a hard time finding other tracks from Clemson or Tallahassee! This will be a shorter entry since the game's already started. As I watch right now and see former Yellow Jacket player and Snoop Dogg look-a-like Darryl LaBarrie sitting on the Tech bench as an assistant coach, it makes me wish that Snoop was from the ATL and not the LBC. I did have a memorable time once in Atlanta when I tried to see a Snoop concert the same night that the Super Bowl was being played in the Georgia Dome between the Rams and the Titans. We left Blake's fraternity house at GT at half time to walk to Fox Theater, then when we arrive there's a sign saying that the show is canceled. I guess it had been announced a few days before and we had no idea. So then we walked back to GT and of course missed one of the more exciting Super Bowl endings of all time too. At least I have the hilarious memory of Blake's frat brothers throwing beer cans at the wall that the game was was being projected onto whenever they showed Brenda Warner! Without Snoop to use, I'll still go with a hip hop track, one of my favorites of the last several years: T.I.'s "What You Know." If T.I. were to ask Paul Hewitt what he knows about playing smart, consistent basketball, I think the answer would have to be "not much." Sadly for Tech fans, their two wins thus far in this tournament will probably allow their coach to keep his job for 4 more years.

Raleigh's entry this time comes from the great Birds of Avalon, off their debut record Bazaar Bazaar. Looking at the track listing, the song "Instant Coma" jumped out at me, since that's pretty much what would happen to you upon watching former coach Herb Sendek's Wolfpack teams play. Good job running him off State fans! Now if only Sidney Lowe can take your team to the NCAA Tournament for 5 consecutive seasons like Herb did.

T.I. - What You Know
Birds of Avalon - Instant Coma

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